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Do you have Late Tax Returns?

I’ll get the monkey off your back. I have lodged hundreds of late tax returns without penalty. A good night’s sleep is just a phone call away.

Fees for Individual Late Tax Returns

2 – 4 years outstanding – $132 per year

5 – 9 years outstanding – $121 per year

10+ years outstanding – $110 per year

I’ll take this problem and solve it

I’ve helped hundreds of people with late tax returns, and they all wished they had come to me sooner. A good night’s sleep is just a phone call away.

As soon as you appoint me as your Tax Agent it becomes my problem.

Just $132 each year

I charge a flat rate of $132 per year for late tax returns, which is fully tax deductible in your next year’s tax return.

I can get your payment summaries from the ATO, so you don’t even need records.

I’ll try and get your fines waived

I’ve successfully applied for remission of hundreds of fines and penalties issued for late tax returns –  from $110 to over $200,000 – and I can help you too.

You will never have to speak directly with the ATO, I’ll speak for you..

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I be worried about my late tax returns?

If you are prepared to do something about it, then you have my personal guarantee that I’ll take care of you. You don’t need to worry if you’re prepared to act. You only need to worry if you try and hide from the ATO. My experience is that they will find you eventually, so it’s always better to come in from the cold before they drag you in.

Will I get fined for having late tax returns?

You can be fined up to $1,565 for each late tax return, and more if it goes to court. However, I have found the ATO is very understanding when it comes to people’s late tax returns. I have lodged tax returns for individuals more than 20 years late who have not received a single fine. So it’s luck of the draw. If you are unlucky enough to be fined, we can often get them waived if we give a valid reason.

Will I Get in Trouble for having Late Tax Returns?

So long as we contact the ATO and tell them we’re going to file your late tax returns then they will generally leave you alone. The ATO will only escalte things if you do not engage with them. So as long as we let them know we’re working on your late tax returns, they will generally hold off any kind of escalation.

How Much Does it Cost to Lodge My Late Tax Returns?

Depending on how many returns are outstanding, they can range from $132 per year to $110 per year when you have 10 years or more outstanding. If your affairs are more complicated, then there may be additional costs, but I will advise you of these before we commence work.

How do I get My Late Tax Returns Prepared if I Don’t have the Payment Summaries?

I can generally get most of your payment summaries and other basic income information from the ATO. For the last 10 years, this is easy and quick to obtain. For years prior to 2009, it can sometimes take a few weeks to obtain the records.

How do I get my late tax returns up to date?

All you need to do is register below, and I’ll get things started.
Ben Collins CPA
Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA)
Chartered Governance Professional
Chartered Company Secretary
Certified Practising Accountant (CPA)
Registered Tax Agent
Fellow, Governance Institute of Australia
Fellow, Institute of Company Secretaries and Administrators
Fellow, The Tax Institute
Member, CPA Australia
Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance (GIA)
Bachelor of Taxation (UNSW)
Are you ready to get this monkey off your back?
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By signing below, I hereby appoint Ben Collins (Tax Agent # 00692003) as my tax agent and warrant that I am authorised to make this declaration.

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